AGAINST THE GRAIN BREWERY is independently owned! Against the Grain Brewery was founded in 2011 in Louisville, Kentucky by Jerry Gnagy, Sam Cruz, Adam Watson, and Andrew Ott…
AGAINST THE GRAIN BREWERY is independently owned! Against the Grain Brewery was founded in 2011 in Louisville, Kentucky by Jerry Gnagy, Sam Cruz, Adam Watson, and Andrew Ott…
BLUEGRASS BREWING is independently owned! Bluegrass Brewing Company was founded in Louisville, Kentucky in 1993 by Pat Hagan, Monte Hagan, and Ken Rissler…
BRAXTON BREWING is independently owned! Braxton Brewery was founded in 2015 by brothers Evan and Jake Rouse in Covington, Kentucky…
COLLEGE HEIGHTS BEER is owned by ALLTECH. College Heights Brewery was a project of Lexington Brewing & Distilling, a division of Alltech…
COUNTRY BOY BREWING is independently owned! Country Boy Brewing was founded in Lexington, Kentucky in 2012 by Jeff Beagle, Nate Coppage, Evan Coppage, and Daniel “DH” Harrison…
FALLS CITY BREWING is owned by NEACE VENTURES. Falls City Brewery was founded in Louisville, Kentucky in 1905 by Ben Schrader and a group of grocery and tavern owners…
GARAGE BEER is independently owned! Garage Beer was introduced in 2018 in Covington, Kentucky by
GOODWOOD BREWING is independently owned! Goodwood Brewing Company was founded in Louisville, Kentucky in 2005, when a group led by Ted Mitzlaff and Pat Hagan purchased
GRAVELY BREWING is independently owned! Gravely Brewing Company was founded in Louisville, Kentucky in 2017 by Nathaniel Gravely… KENTUCKY BEER is owned by ALLTECH. Kentucky beer is created by the Lexington Brewing & Distilling Company, founded in Lexington, Kentucky by Pearse Lyons in 1999…GOODWOOD BREWING